Sunday, June 15, 2008

AOL Liberal Bias - Historians See Little Chance for McCain

I am curious how much of the AOL stock is owned by Muslims? Not that I am saying Hussein Obama is a Muslim. I mean, that would be crazy to suggest that. These Historians wouldn't be the same Historians that are brainwashing our kids into Marxism, would they?

I can assure these 'Historians' that they are very lucky I am not running this Country, because I would have them arrested for spreading Communism to the kids in the colleges. GOD FORBID if any of their little anarchist robots rioted in protest, because they would be tear gassed and pummeled into the ground so fast they would not know what hit them.

Do you want this Country back? Do I sound extreme? THIS IS THE ONLY WAY..........

Take a good look at these pictures on this AOL News story. You have to go through 61 of them until you see the first picture of John McCain and then the pics go right back to Hussein (The Messiah) Obama. I guess they have to give the black man a handicap in this election. Gee, what another shocker.

They are trying to sway the election, this is subliminal programing of the voters, but so far McCain is ahead in this poll...

I also like the part where they say that Congress and Bush have nearly the same polls. WRONG, Congress has 18% and Bush has 38%....

Thanks for the story decamptownlady...YOU ROCK....

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